Wednesday, December 30, 2009


With the onset of the Christmas season, it has been a while since I posted an entry. In the past four weeks, I have continued to get great news from my (many) doctors.

My blood chemistry has returned to normal, and my broken left leg is "fully healed". After examining the final x-rays, my doctor tells me that I am fit to do pretty much anything. I am still limping a bit, and I am tenative going down stairs, but I can feel some improvement almost every day.

I can now imagine a day in the not too distant future when I will catch myself running out to the car in the rain or racing to cross a busy street, and I will look back at this period of time and think "man, a few months ago I was in a wheelchair". So needless to say, I am pretty amp'ed up on life right now.

Speaking of being amp'ed...

We had a great Christmas here in the Maisey household. The time spent with friends and family was all the more special considering I almost didn't survive to see the day.

I have enclosed a couple of pictures to commemorate the event. The first is me (note the beard - a post accident addition), and my girls. The second was taken by my father-in-law from his back yard. We got 6-8 inches of snow about a week before Christmas. Even though it was rainy and in the 50s our back yard was still covered on Christmas day. (probably as close as we will get to a "White Christmas" for quite some time).

Cheers for now,


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