Thursday, March 10, 2011

Load Up!

The car is ready for testing. So tonight was the load up for VIR. I always hate loading up for the track with a new car. You never know what to bring, so I tried to bring everything. When you work on a project like this for several months, your race trailer slowly gets emptied and it's contents disappear into every nook and cranny of the garage.

So, after a fairly exhaustive search I think I have all of the necessary stuff back in the trailer, and a lot of unnecessary stuff out of the trailer and back into the garage in a big messy pile...

It has been a while since I have owned a non-winged car, so it was a pleasant surprise to see how much room there is in the trailer.

Can't wait for Friday!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...


The car looks great and good luck with the test. Do keep an eye on the front roll bar as that loosened up on me and went full soft. I may not have had it tight but it's something to keep in mind if it get real tail happy. Also, there is a smaller diameter bar in one of the boxes that may work better sans wings.

Have fun,