Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Rear Bodywork Continues

The 'fun' part of the moldless construction is chipping the foam out of the hard shell. Talk about messy processes...

To gauge the look of the airbox, I tried out painting it to match the frame. I think I will ultimately prefer to make these green like the rest of the body, but it did help me gauge the finished look.

Airbox and scoop in place and on to fitting up the engine cover/fairing.

Front view. Unfortunately the right side of the fairing was not a good fit. That is the problem with trying to make parts away from the car. (We made the scoop and fairing at my dad's shop Saturday afternoon. The more I looked at the fairing the less I liked the look and the fit on the right side. I was contemplating hacking a big piece out of the right (drivers right that is) side and reglassing it to a different contour. In this view you can see that it is just too high and doesn't fit well.
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Ric in RIchmond said...

Melt that foam out with some gasoline or acetone!!!

Dad and I built 80% of a varieze in the 80's. He still has the fuselage. It will never fly I am pretty sure.

Brothers and I have plans for it as a driving simulator ....

Unknown said...

Sounds cool. I have always admired the Rutan planes (and spaceships). I would like to build one one of the these days. Wish I knew about the acetone trick a few days ago... Dooohh