Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Stocking the war chest

In typical fashion, I never go to Lowes with out buying something that was not on my radar when I walked in. Tonight was no different. I stopped in to pickup a couple of boxes and bubble wrap to pack up the wheels I recently sold. That led me past the tool center and I noticed a few air tools on sale. This mini-die grinder was reduced to only $14 and had to come home. Not exactly sure where the old one went, but last time I looked for it, it was MIA...

Speaking of MIA, my last HPD shipment is still somewhere in transit. So I was quite excited when Marsha called me at the office this afternoon and mentioned I had several boxes on the side porch. While it was not the rest of the Honda conversion parts that I was hoping for, it was the next best thing.

I bought a bunch of suspension spares from former Citation pilot and fiberglass guru Chuck Brewer a week or two ago. Today most of them arrived. There are two more boxes of parts not pictured here. I should have plenty of options should I ever have a shunt. In addition, some of Chuck's parts included the last generation of Citation narrow track suspension spec (circa 2003) including the newer bellcranks, shock mounts and rear uprights that I need to update the motion ratios to the current spec.

In other developments.
- I got the rest of the Technomag's tires dismounted, and will ship the wheels off to the new owner tomorrow.
- The Stack system was delivered to it's new owner.
- The shocks shipped off to Steve Lathrop for their updates.
- I got several seemly serious inquiries about the remaining parts, so hopefully the garage will be a lot less crowded in coming days.

So other than a little unpacking (kinda like Christmas all over again) not too much action in the Maisey shop tonight, but lots happening none-the-less

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